Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Colli K Christante

Colli K Christante

The Very Pulse in YOU is the Want

Now we begin to have the benefits of practical knowledge of the actions and reactions, the powers and limitations, of human beings, which gives us valuable awareness of how we tick and how our mainsprings may get out of order-too tight, too loose, or perhaps a little rusty.

We see that there are two powerful drives in everyone, which have been called self-expansion and love-absorption: first, briefly, the desire and purpose to express our capacities; and second, the need to merge with the opposite sex, to enjoy the interest, excitement, and comfort the other sex can bring us.

Serving these two basic needs are two forces of the mind that separate our natures into emotional and intellectual aspects. By emotional, is meant the whole force of your protoplasm; your hunger, thirst, desire for freedom of action, your need of love and intimacy, of companionship, of equality, the feeling of wishing to get forward in life, of accomplishing things; in other words, your emotions of rage, fear, sex, and wonder, and their natural reactions. All these are emotional, the urging of your physical forces, the power of your personality. But they have no directive capacity. They can be expressed negatively or positively at demand. They are mere power There is no direction in steam; it is also mere power. It has to be given shape to be of value. We contain it in some form - a boiler for instance - and its power is turned into use.

The intellectual processes are your imagination, your memory, your judgment, your reason, your ability to focus upon some aspect of experience. But all of these, imagination is the key to the functioning of your life. This creative impulse builds the series of images, the behavior patterns, the pictures of desire and purpose fill your mind. The deep, powerful, emotional drive then functions through these intellectual processes to bring purposes into being. To understand these important factors of human consciousness and learn how to use them for the benefit of your own life, is the very secret of living. It is the one and only promise of a successful future. It is, in fact, the way to the discovery of your SOUL, which should be the designer and builder of any future that is to be truly  valuable to you and the world.

My blog  will continue to uncover woman and young girls who live this and who also live knowing they have and can trust their silent partner.

The moment you touch YOUR want YOUR life begins.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Strange that we Belittle Simplicity

Strange that we so belittle simplicity. “To be simple is to be great,” said Emerson. And Lincoln is said to have remarked: “Make it so simple a child will understand, then no one will misunderstand. An absolute essential to planning your future is to know as much as possible about yourself. Some people, by instinct, or a kind of luck, do a fair job of understanding themselves. But since we are all suggestible, most of us have been influenced by the Niagara of notions other people pour on us as to who and what we are. And if their conclusions are even ten percent right we are fortunate. We have been too ready to accept confusing conclusions as to what we are like, and taken too little trouble to carry on our own self-discovery

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Insist on Yourself; Never Imitate

Millions of lives have been ruined and personal powers perverted, because boys and girls, and men and women, have been taught that it is noble to commit spiritual suicide. Then they try to do something they are not, and in so doing distort themselves in the name of goodness and sacrifice.

Think of Galileo abrogating his love of knowledge to become an industrialist or Michelangelo surrendering his love of beauty to run a pile driver. So lets think again what sacrifice truly means. You do not sacrifice your automobile every time you use it. You do not abnegate your house because you live in it. To use things in the wrong way, or for the wrong purpose is what sacrifices them, injures them denies their usefulness. To use ourselves for the wrong purpose is desecration of life.

We must be willing to find a task that our abilities can fulfill and then obey the requirements that nature and that task demand. No purpose is fulfilled otherwise.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Born of Courage

I now know the experiences I have been through are not just messages rather they are gifts and that I am to share them with others but first, I had to search deep to come to discover it within my own uniqueness.

 I knew that it would be turned into a book, series and workshop, it would not not get done. In his Ode: "Intimations of Immortality,” Words worth writes about shades of the prison-house” that begin to close. As children, “trailing clouds of glory,” we “behold the light,” but gradually we lose sight of its radiance. Then comes a time when the only light we behold is that of “common day,” and we feel cut adrift. No longer a carefree child, we begin to hold ourselves in check, censoring those wild impulses toward creativity.

 Sooner or later, this shift occurs in each of us, thrusting us upon a lifetime journey of discovering and expressing creative self.

 The life that urges us to create, however, can never be concealed or shut away forever. Ever present, it simply awaits our recognition and expression. It is our very nature and being. The deep envelops us, rises within us. 

And so, I made a vow to again surrender and allow myself to be use as a vehicle of expression for this message that needed to be created and delivered. In the next weeks of posts these message will be delivered.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ruling Love, Ruling Interest, Ruling Hope

There are three primary centers, or, let us say, one primary center with two others branching from it that form the spring board for success in life. The primary impulse of our nature we call the ruling love. The supporting inclinations we name the ruling interest and the ruling hope. The form these feelings take indicates what we might describe as the height, breadth, and depth of our natures. But whatever they may be, to discover and foster their function is the best guarantee for a satisfying future. To ignore or defy them certainly threatens the well being of anyone...in other words “Who am I?”

            A useful way to get back into the truth of who you are is first to find your ruling love, someone thing in life that you know you love. You can have more than one, however, one is a great place to start. Question yourself. Do you love being on the water, or do you deeply love stars or trees? Do you truly love sunsets? Do you actually love music? Do you love gain more than anything else, or selling, or research, or homemaking? Make that one thing that is absolutely real to you your  intimate companion.

           After you have found your ruling love, you need to discover a ruling interest and a ruling hope to back up your ruling love. Our ruling love, ruling interest, and ruling hopes, if we fully realize them within ourselves, gradually build a center of spiritual strategy that will help us to deal with situation after situation in our lives.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


It is a tragic thing that we have made such enormous scientific advance without giving a similar calm attention to the other side of life - a wise, sane command of emotion. When we say, “I’ve tried that,” we do not always realize we are carrying literally lugging the same old negative resistance around with us. We may try emotional therapies, the image making process and yet claim “it doesn’t do anything.” And why is that? Because we carry the negative imagery right into it, our fear patterns, our angers and jealousies, and greeds.

 Our whole attention process is occupied with old injurious habit patterns. We are victims of our thoughts...so there is no answer without surrender. There is no solution without being willing to have it so. Only when we give up egotism and find our true identity can we receive this guidance. In other words simply put, the secret of calm lies in the relation of your stream of consciousness to the stream of destiny. Our future depends on how we handle that great life relationship, how we are meeting it moment by moment. Are we resistantly putting our ego demands on life? Or are we acceptingly searching out and putting our focus on the positive values of experience?

         Ask yourself this question: Do I accept life nonresistantly, and with love; or resist it with the power of my ego? In order to attain calm is to surrender what we call the power drives in our natures, the determination to dominate creation, or a better way of putting it, you must make use of the creative power within you to fulfill the ends of love and wisdom.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Relationship Between Mind and Emotions

In this thing called LOVE there are two ways to go in... through the heart or back brain. The back brain is false love and true heart love is in heart. The relationship is a true childhood fit. Both are very deep unconscious attraction (I can’t get out) and the only  way to get around it is you have to find out who you are ...keeping the good qualities. What is affecting the behavior? You want to disconnect, however, what is the law of your unconscious? If you are living by others laws you fall in love with people and things that fit their programming.
 Heart or Back Brain Love…What Our Relationships Teach Us When you fall in love the ANF - factor stimulates hypothalamus to tell pituitary to create hormones to try true love. Back brain love - medulla- tells brain to produce endorphin love. This lasts any where from 9 months to 2 years...then its over. For example with endorphin love , you see a guy, you have the hots for him...reminds you of? This is back brain love (endorphin), and it is dysfunctional back brain love (childhood love).
In there must be acceptance of trials and difficulties connected with the chosen purpose, self-discipline to fulfill the need, and relaxation of all resistance to its requirements. Surrender is right only  if  you have first stopped to consider and to make your own being the measure of your choice. 
The whole philosophy of self-mastery, essential as it is,  is dangerous unless you build it on purposes that are fulfillment’s of your own nature. If we don’t do that we lose ourselves in wrong ways of life, and in abnormal duties. If we don’t refuse purposes that are unsuited to us, we become the victim of externalism.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Expose yourself

You never have to prove yourself ... all you need is to expose yourself. Truer words never spoken.In light of the recent activities and unfolding of Tiger Woods life I feel compelled to speak from my my truth, through the work I do with peak performers and athletes.

 All of us start with this inner conflict between the power drive and our inner nature. We all have a percentage of it. The stronger the personality, the more conflict there is between the love and power side of our nature. All that we do that is right and helpful for others, the whole foundation of a satisfying relation to your family, your wife, your husband, your friends, comes from the love side of your nature. But a determination to be dominant over others, to rule them, to decide how they shall live, is on the power side of self - deification. And until that is surrendered the protection of calm is denied to us.

It is in my personal opinion that what has happened and is happening to and in Tigers world has been coming for quite some time. He was raised by a very strong and powerful man with a military background. There may have never been much space for anything other than perfection. He seemed to always have to prove himself.  Perhaps, he could never just be who he really is.

When Tiger's father became unwell very few people knew this truth. There was a bit of disturbance in Tiger's performance. It was not always easy for him to get into the Zone. His values were shifting. In the work I do with athletes, assisting them in to the Zone, if there are any of the logical levels not aligned this cannot be attained. There are 7 steps into the Zone and if there is any conflict or any incongruence you cannot reach that ultimate state.

During Tigers fathers unwellness Tiger's values had to be shifting. How could they not? This was a man for good or bad whom he adored.Then came the passing of his father. Major shift. In some ways there would have to be moments of surrender and release. Tiger no longer had the pressure to perform up to his father's expectations but at the same time he had to learn to surrender to being his own person rather than who he had been raised to be BUT who was he? For the first time he may have faced this.

For a very short time the space may have been filled with his concern for his mother, his first child, the return to not only being in but Owning the Zone, pressure from media, sponsors, fans and if that were not enough then to learn of a second child coming may have pushed him into having to prove himself and be approved of in another way.

In speaking with male friends they tell me that when they have one child in their life they do not feel too left out but when another comes along shortly after the first they feel abandoned. There seems to be a need for a 3-4 year gap between the children. If not, the man may feel left out. It does not matter that a woman can afford a nanny, botox, liposuction, the best of the best. The man still feels left out.Call it being human.

The great poem of struggle of Prometheus and Epimetheus presents the temptation of the power side of human nature. It speaks of the inner urge we have toward spiritual expansion, and the constant conflicts our egos present in the desire to dominate the lives of others. Richard Strauss has put it into music and so has Listz in Les Preludes and so has Jan Arden in Insensitive

It is the basis of Greek tragedies, the spiritual center of Dante’s Divine Comedy. In his visit to Heaven and Hell, in the poem, Dante presents the two sides of human nature - the superconscious and the subconscious.

This is how I assist performers and athletes. In making the unconscious conscious. It is removing the psychological idea you carry about you. The beliefs that are not yours but rather the ones you have been subjected to by others. Those beliefs do not fit you but rather they are your ball and chain. I assist people in releasing that ball and chain so for the first time they have access to their own beliefs.In accessing your own beliefs you can create what is true for you - your truth - not the truth. That is true release.

In order to release some of this pressure he may have rebelled against all he suppressed for so many years.

We all have shadows. We all need the light to expose the dark. If we do not know how, then the universal intelligence and wisdom that flows through us will. It is for our best and highest good. It may not feel that way when we are in the eye of the storm but when everything settles it is nothing short of miraculous.

And so, when we have had a long history with someone, or something it is often challenging to release that relationship, perhaps person or position from our lives and yet, if we want something good to come into our life, we have to make a space for it.

Just like you, Tiger and his wife Elin is a valuable person. Tiger, Elin can design and create their own life, and they deserve the best that life has to offer! First, they must make surrender to exposing themselves rather than having to prove themselves and then accept space for it to happen ... Space is being created. How will Tiger fill it? How will his Elin, how will YOU?


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wild Impulses

 When I first separated from my now x husband I was tested in many ways. The largest test was for me ... would I shrink back. Would I go against what I knew was not for my or my daughters' highest good. Would I return to what was no longer me. Or would I find the courage to peel off the layers and have the courage to create the new.

Alone I spent 3 weeks in a cottage in northern Saskatchewan (a return to my roots:) It was amazing. Every night I watched the northern lights swirl and paint spectacular colors across the sky while they talked to me through whispers and song leaving me wrapped in arms of heavenly protection.

 It was a very powerfully transforming time. One night I had a very powerful dream that awoke me in the middle of the night. Writing down what the dream told me, then waking up 7 hours later and reviewing what I wrote was an epiphany. 

I now knew the message was a gift and that I was to share it with others but first, I had to search deep to come to discover it within my own uniqueness. I knew that it would be turned into a series and workshop,  it would not not get done.

In his “Ode: Intimations of Immortality,” Words worth writes about shades of the prison-house” that begin to close. As children, “trailing clouds of glory,” we “behold the light,” but gradually we lose sight of its radiance. Then comes a time when the only light we behold is that of “common day,” and we feel cut adrift. No longer a carefree child, we begin to hold ourselves in check, censoring those wild impulses toward creativity. Sooner or later, this shift occurs in each of us, thrusting us upon a lifetime journey of discovering and expressing creative self.

The life that urges us to create, however, can never be concealed or shut away forever. Ever present, it simply awaits our recognition and expression. It is our very  nature and being. The deep envelops us, rises within us. And so, I made a vow to again surrender and allow myself to be use as a vehicle of expression for this message that needed to be created and delivered.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Courage to Create

Courage to Create

As young children we finger paint with flamboyant abandon or blithely with color outside the lines with our crayons. We spend time alone watching butterflies or gazing at the stars, sensing our deep connection with the world around us. We give ourselves over to awe and wonder, safe in our innocence.  Creativity comes naturally, spontaneously. We express freely in our delight in being. 

But as we grow older, something happens to expel us from this Eden of playful ease. We begin to discover a separation or departure from our natural innocence. Have you returned to your natural innocence?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Taking Care of Myself

 Taking Care of Myself 

So how can we energetically shift out of shame into a self-empowered stance that projects worthiness? We have to train ourselves to honor our desire body. Our desire body is the faculty of our emotional body that desires, craves, hungers for and yearns after. Our desire body is our idea generator and attraction mechanism. It cannot work for us if it is suppressed, condemened or judged. In fact, it works against us when we have a negative attitude toward it.

Desire is the basic instinct that propels us to find everything from food to God. Hunger and longing to belong are both desires. From hunger we are motivated to get fed. From longing to belong we learn how to experience and align with the Infinite. When we are attuned to the Infinite, we are really set up to get our needs met. We not only get our survival and physical needs met, we get our emotional and spiritual needs satisfied too. What greater satisfaction than to be at peace and relaxed, feel loved, and to know that the struggle is over.

Now… let’s visit the above from an empowered stance

Our ability to manifest depends on our ability to magnetize
Magnetism radiates from am unconditionally loved desire body
The power of positive projection increases with deep inner satisfaction
Our ability to claim grows in the garden of self-love
Clarity shines in front of the mirror of the soul
Direct connection is nurtured from a humble, yet confident, stance
Owning our responsibility as co-creators allows us to claim what is ours

Monday, November 23, 2009

From Sabotage to Satisfaction

Manifestation is a function of magnetism
Effective magnetism is based on a powerful projection
There is no power of projection from needlessness
There is no ability to claim from shame
There is no clarity in a cloudy self-image.
Thee is no direct connection in an apologetic stance

Saturday, November 21, 2009


A couple of days ago an x reappeared in my life. I had not seen nor heard from him in 8 months. He text messaged me to ask where he might find a late night good place to eat and if I had time to meet. Being as I had a very busy day scheduled for the next day, had already eaten and truth be known knew I had to say no in order to not fall back into something that would end up as nothing. I responded via email and told him the truth. He called. I did not pick up. I went to bed. In the morning I listened to his message. He wished me a good night and mentioned he would call me in the morning or for me to call. I sent another email. It is for the best we do not meet and we did not.
In all honesty to know he was one block away and to not go meet or see him  was very challenging and yet I had to ask "why is saying no so difficult"? 
One day has gone by since he left. No longer did I feel his presence but through the time he was here and though I did not see him, his energy had a strong effect. I wanted to run,  hide, I wanted to pretend he did not exist but then I decided to sit and meditate upon the shadow this presented. 
Today after leaving the gym I entered into a clothing store to look at a beautiful sweater that reminded me of the one that got stolen on my honeymoon with my x husband (sign sign everywhere a sign:)
The sales rep started talking to me. Then she started crying. I asked her what was wrong. She began telling me about a 6 year relationship ending the night before she got married. This was to be her 2nd, his 3rd. She saw signs, so many signs to get out of this abusive relationship long before he called the wedding off yet she stayed.Then she asked:" Colli why is it so difficult to say NO". My reply: "I believe for some of us we really do not know how to say YES to ourself.Maybe we were never taught how important and special we are so we never developed these essential skills. Instead we give ourselves away."
We learn so much about ourselves in our personal relationships. They help us to discover the true self, which is the source of love. We are attracted to those whom we love and repelled by those in whom we are denying in ourselves. At some level we are all the same, whenever we have a positive or negative experience with someone-whenever there is a strong feeling of either being drawn toward someone or of pulling back from someone - we should ask ourselves what is happening? “Why am I attracted to this person? Because they have certain traits.  Or why am I repelled by this other person? Because they have particular traits. How come I am denying these traits in myself? I must have these same traits , otherwise my  feelings wouldn’t be triggered by this person. I wouldn’t feel this charge from them.” 
Simply seeing someone as undesirable is different from being judgmental, angry and outraged. It is when we react to a person that we know we are being presented with valuable information.
So RELATION SHIP is a wonderful tool for the growth of our soul, for learning about ourselves, and for clearing a path to the final stages of love, which are surrender and ecstasy. Every relationship we have is the one that begins just at that right moment in our life, and it is meant to take us to a higher level of awareness,  

Every RELATION SHIP carries us to the next level. 

Friday, November 20, 2009

Trust Thyself

Trust Thyself

It is now that as I look back and I remember taking a philosophy class where we studied Emerson’s Essays that contained in them what this was all about:
 “Trust Thyself: Every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connexion of events. 
Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the Eternal was stirring at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Permission and Attention are the Magical Keys

Permission and Attention are the Magical Keys

Something magical happens when you truly and honestly give yourself permission to feel angry, sad or afraid.
 Practice really letting it be OKAY to feel and get in touch with what happens to the energy in your body.
 Pay attention to the interaction between mental acknowledgment and permission and the stress or agitation in your belly. Notice what happens to your “out of control” desire when you simply give them attention. Permission and attention are basic to self-love tools for cultivating deep emotional peace and satisfaction
Another magical thing happens when you follow this interactive sequence between the mind and body…

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Your INNER - EXPRESSION -the Best Anti-Aging Secret

Do you have Your own innate sense of Your own Inner-Expression.
What is it You are loving? Do you love the divine expression of you? 
Maslow called it Self Actualization.It is not competitive. What are you attracting? What is emerging within yourself? 

Are you the nurturer of yourself? What are you self actualizing and expressing? What is your chosen work which is rewarding yourself and at least one other person. This will bring out your greater self.

The best anti-aging remedy is the realization of your own purpose and so ask yourself "Do I realize my potential? What do I want to EXPRESS? What is MY INNER - EXPRESSION?

Your happiness is from the nurturing of yourself and the giving it out to others. Remember that unhappiness is the push and drive for you to EXPRESS.
Remember you and I are EXPRESSIONS of the larger. Say yes and have faith in the process itself.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Becoming Interdependent and regaining Self Esteem

The word “dependent” MEANS “relying on someone or something else.” The opposite of dependence is, of course, independence. Many people believe that “independent has a negative connotation, i.e., standing alone, completely detached from any other person. For this reason I have used a word probably not found in a dictionary - “ undependent”, which means for the purpose of the work I do and for the series, “ to be free from the control of someone or something else.

The nature of our human race is that we all are interdependent - that is, reciprocal dependency on one another for certain things. But when interdependency becomes unbalanced and one person is doing all the giving and another all the taking it is no longer interdependence, but rather dependence of one person on the other, and when this happens both parties become resentful of each other. 

            There are times in a person’s life when we are legitimately dependent - when we are small children, for example, or when we are ill or in some other way unable to care for ourselves temporary, because permanent dependency is deadly.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Heart's Flow of Love unrestricted

The greatest pain of the feminine is not feeling the flow of love… the pain of not being able to have your heart’s love received or feeling the love is not flowing back to you.
When the heart’s flow of love is unrestricted, the goddess spirit is within you…
In moments of being with your truth are you re-kindling the natural Radiance, Beauty, Divinity, Grace and the Shine of the Goddess within you?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Searching for Pieces

            In the process of living out the years of our lives, there comes a time when we realize that, somehow, we’ve gotten lost along the way. What are we looking for? We are searching for the pieces of ourselves that we’ve lost, for we know that without them it is difficult to experience real moments.

           Some of them were taken away by our parents or caretakers, in an attempt to turn us into what they thought we should be.

Some of them we’ve given away to others in an attempt to be accepted or loved. Some of them we’ve hidden away, frightened of what others might think if they knew our secret selves.  And some of them we’ve simply forgotten about, because we’ve been trying so hard to be something other than whom we really are.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Becoming the Someone YOU want to meet

Becoming the someone YOU want to meet is what this blog unfolds. At some point I became aware of knowing that I knew the answer to the question I had spent my entire life looking for.

Most of us don't consciously choose to think, behave, talk, walk, or eat like our parents. It just happens and sometimes so subtly that we don't even notice the similarities until someone points them out "You're kidding" we respond with disbelief. "But I am different from them" Maybe yes, maybe no. It is how you are the same that's the issue"

Without reclaiming our missing pieces, we will never experience the wholeness we crave and the peace we are searching for. We will find it difficult to have the real moments that we need. How do we return to a state of wholenes? We must pass from the cramped, yet familiar womb of who we have been into the person we are meant to be. 

We must take the journey from our old life of sacrifice and limitations into a new life of authenticity and freedom. We must give birth to ourselves again.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Disturbing our own depth

We, find ourselves try doing more, going to new places, changing the way our bodies look, buying something different, or loving someone new, and perhaps for a while we feel better. But then, the shadow of discontent returns, stronger than ever, and we wonder if something is wrong with us.

What are we searching and looking for? We are searching for the pieces that had been lost or given away in our childhood and without them it was difficult to experience in moments that are real (it is hard to be present if one's needs are not being met:) 

To make up for this we attempted to make our own children's life easy...to give them all the love we never knew, wanting to rescue them from hurt and pain, but does it work? Or is it that no matter what are the circumstances we are given we want to carve our own way!

This unique blog will examine this and how other women and men, young women and young men know the more they travel this path, daring to disturb the universe, the more they disturb their own depths and yet do so.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lost along the way

For awhile in every one's life, we walk as if we belong on this earth, as if we are our own people, as if we trust our own minds. There is no gap between true nature and our ability to express it. What happens to that hum and hunger? How do those eyes become shadowed, suspicious, just a few years later? How do those bodies get rigid and closed? How do all those dreams become crushed under arms that fold tight over chests?

How does a river become layered over that true nature, covering it with limiting beliefs?

We are taught to become proficient at keeping ourselves from learning, and articulate in all the things we that are wrong with them. A groove of awareness of our mistakes is carved into our brains. Thus we are taught to take for granted what we can do, and instead concentrate on our defeat.

In the process of living out the years of our lives, there comes a time when we realize that, somehow, we've gotten lost along the way. We've lost our sense of purpose and direction. We've lost the ability to live by our own values and beliefs(some of us do not even know what they are:(

 We've lost the capacity for uninhibited joy and celebration. We move through each day with buried uneasiness, a silent suspicion that something is not right.

 No matter how hard we search for the source of discomfort, we can find nothing apparently wrong. We may as well be chasing a ghost who will not reveal himself.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Self Reliance

Like Dorthy and her companions on their journey to find the Wizard of Oz, some people including myself were sent and then sent my child off in life hoping they will find their hearts, their minds, their courage, their magic, their way back home. Rather than being nurtured, encouraged, and having our and their natural resources developed, not always have we been or are they in enviornments in which we have been able to or are they able to thrive, respond and change ourselves or our children themselves. Like us our children become convinced they must change the very nature of who they are. Spells are cast that shrivel their belief in their own minds.

It's a tragedy, for the most essential ingredient for success as a learner of anything is self esteem, and self esteem is built by trusting your mind to accomplish what is releveant in your life...being self-reliant.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Finding Somewhere I Belong

There is a major need for woman, young girls to find that love can come from many different sources, not just one special person, for all love flows from the Infinite Wisdom (the source within.)

This frees us from the desperate mission to find Mr. Right, this Unconditional love heals lack of self-esteem and self-confidence.

The key...is to learn to love and accept yourself first. Easier said than done - right!

By going through this personally and through my work with clients walking a mile in someone else's shoes, I have come to an understanding that in order for this to occur in one's life it may require changes in one's thinking and in their actions and these changes are sometimes frightening.

As I have discovered ...No one makes changes unless the pain and discomfort of their present condition or situation outweighs the risks and the temporary discomfort of change, yet, when we do make the changes and we dare to disturb the universe, the world changes so completely for us. Suprisingly, what we believed was important ceases to matter. We are made new.

Through this self-involving way of deeply seeing into the world, we enlarge it, we disturb it, and ourselves too.

Through the discovery of becoming self-reliant we arrive at our destination...Home...SOMEWHERE I BELONG. (Lincoln Park song Somewhere I Belong) says it all.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yourself you could find

Unlocking the secrets that are hidden inside and through the doors of perception yourself you could find. That you only go outward to get further in-you only get further when you see life from within...this is the secret of becoming self-reliant.

My goal of this specific blog to assist others in becoming self-reliant. This is the truth-the only truth that sets us free.

With tremendous amount of courage and through determination you can go on to discover the true secrets of self-reliance.

The purpose of my blog is to explore key issues that impact us as women. How and when we give ourselves away losing our identiity and the attempts to reclaim one self.

Struggling through adversity such as divorce, keeping faith(what faith) learning that love sometimes means saying N0, going on and discovering what is deeply relevant is what I faced. In the times we live through how do we survive as individuals with our own indentity intact.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In Curanderismo

SHARED WISDOM FROM THE SPIRIT OF THE LAND: "Beginning in childhood, many are urged and taught by their cultures to not see too much. One should certainly not dare to call oneself an artist or poet. One must agree to agree, even though strongly sensing otherwise, that only things which have their atoms, packed together so tightly that they are able to be seen by the egos of all --- that these things are the only things that ought to matter in life.

But in curanderismo, it is just the opposite. The mother tongue is poetics. The healer is an artist. The invisible worlds are palpably felt and acknowledged directly along with the consensual reality."

Elena Avila, Woman Who Glows In the Dark.

What's missing?

In my dreams last night I encountered a woman who had everything material one may want. She had the high paying career, beautiful new home, the cars, the bling, the travel, the perfect kids and a wonderful providing and kind husband.

Upon entering her home I could not help but over hear her screaming on the phone and then quickly starting to cry.

She told me she was talking to someone hired to assist her to become more productive.

When lady A told lady B she could not keep up and was not happy lady B who was being paid to assist lady A lady B hung up.

I looked at lady A and said it is all so simple. One question? What's missing? She sheepishly look at me tears ice cold tears beginning to melt as they flowed down her cheek and said " my breath". So now let me ask you "what's missing?"

Monday, October 26, 2009

Night falls

Night falls and the veil is getting thinner and thinner ... actually the veil is always only as thick as a maple leaf but it is up to us as to whether we see through to the other side and reach in. I am so grateful I am a woman.
Dreams will be amazing tonight. night night

So fragile but strong

Happy new day friends ... looking out the window I see the blessings of winter approaching. Wonderful snowflakes so fragile but when they stick together they form amazing shapes - got to love those snow men. Off to interview some amazing women about their experiences as women. Have a wonderful personal harmonized day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do you experience Personal Harmony?

This is a blog about me as a woman, a mother, a grandmother, a creative passionately positive enthusiastically convicted woman. A women in her 50's who has been through a tremedous amount of pain and joy.

My motto is personal harmony is not sacrificing for anyone or anything.

When your head touches the pillow every night can you drift into a restful sleep. Do you sleep through the night?

This blog is for us. I need your in- put.

Every issue that we as real women have gone through or may is what this blog is about. I will be taking to the streets to talk to other women and get their stories. What is your story? I want to know. Do you experience personal harmony?